viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Nos vamos a Londres en Septiembre!!

Que ilusión!, me han aceptado un trabajo sobre meteorología en el cráter Gale de Marte para presentarlo en un congreso en Londres el próximo Septiembre:

European Planetary Science Congress 2013
University College London
08 – 13 September 2013, London, United Kingdom

Dear Jorge Pla-García,

We are pleased to inform you about the acceptance of your following Abstract for the European Planetary Science Congress 2013:

Preliminary Interpretation of the Meteorological Environment Through Mars Science Laboratory Rover Environmental Monitoring Station Observations and Mesoscale Modeling.
by J. Pla-García et al.

The organizers will schedule your contribution and decide about its presentation type by 27 Jun 2013 and you will be informed accordingly.

In case any questions arise, please contact us!

Kind regards

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